Explore the Deeper Meaning of Yoga with These Lesson Plans: Yin/Yang sequence

Explore the Deeper Meaning of Yoga with These Lesson Plans: Yin/Yang sequence

From Mountain Pose to Yin Yoga: Journey to Harmony and Strength

If you’re looking for yoga classes to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health, then you may be interested in reading this article. As a yoga teacher, I have prepared several lesson plans for yoga teacher training that I am willing to share with you. The following lesson plans are designed to build on each other, from gentle classes to more advanced poses and sequencing.

Before we dive into the lesson plans, let me share with you the philosophy behind yoga. In Hatha Yoga, we seek to balance attention between the body and mind, confronting our fears and potentials. Asanas discipline the body but affect the mind, and in turn, the mind affects the body. Through the practice of yoga, we create an intuitive space for deepening our understanding of ourselves, uncovering our obstacles and potential, and becoming harmonious beings. As Sri Swami Satchidananda says in his book “The Golden Present,” “We want to find a deeper meaning in the asanas, to take us to a higher level of consciousness, expect depth, reflection, clarity and support for the Light within.”

In lesson one, we will focus on the Yin/Yang sequence

We will explore deep belly breath, and the “I am breathing” mantra. Yoga seeks to join all opposites and dissolve any illusion of separateness to allow all our energy to be unified. The goal is to achieve true balance within the body and mind, resting in the center of our heart to feel more within and think less. We will start by practicing deep belly breath lying on our backs in constructive rest pose, incomplete rabbit and child pose. We will also perform the Hand in prayer pose, also called Anjali Mudra, which symbolizes the belief that whatever one is praying for will soon arrive. This gesture is a strong pulsation of faith, which is required to make great leaps and receive great blessings.

We will then perform Tadasana/Mountain pose, steady and still like a mountain. The mountain is a symbol of the aspiration to transcend oneself, returning to inner stillness that gives one the power to climb beyond the ego. After that, we will do the Classical Sun Salutations with lunge and Plank pose/Kumbhakasana, which will help us cultivate a strong, steady, and equanimous mind. The journey to strength is cultivated through every day of our life.

In Yin poses, we will perform

  • Low Squat/Malasana,
  • Bridge pose/Setu Bandhasana,
  • Reclining Figure 4 pose/Supta eka pada galavasana (glutes stretch lying down),
  • and Lying spinal twist/Supta Matsyendrasana.

Beginner-friendly, beginner-friendly yoga class, beginner yoga class, yin-yang yoga classWe will then explore the meaning of Om, the sound of the Cosmic Vibration. Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” The very foundations of our Universe, of matter and thought, appear to lie in sound vibration. The entire cosmos vibrates, and every cell vibrates. In fact, the whole universe is nothing but sound vibrations. Om is considered the most sacred mantra in Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism, the sound of the Cosmic Vibration. Mantra repetition is a direct way to tune ourselves to that cosmic vibration.

Finally, we will end with Namaste, which means “I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place in you of love, of truth, of peace, and of light. And when you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.” We will also chant the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” by Alexia Chellun.

Ways to Improve Your Physical and Mental Health for a Fulfilling Life

Ways to Improve Your Physical and Mental Health for a Fulfilling Life

Physical health, mental health, journaling, self-care, well-being, healthy habitsPhysical and mental health are two key aspects of overall well-being. However, many people tend to focus on one or the other and neglect the other aspect, which can have negative consequences in the long run. In this post, we will explore the link between physical and mental health, and provide tips on how to achieve a balance of both for a fulfilling and productive lifestyle. As a health and fitness website catering to the Vancouver Island area, we will also provide specific tips for residents of Nanaimo.

The Link Between Mental and Physical Health

Mental and physical health are intrinsically linked because factors that affect one often impact the other. For instance, depression can lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, changes in appetite, and chronic pain. Similarly, physical ailments such as chronic pain or illness can lead to anxiety and depression. It is essential to understand the connection between mental and physical health to achieve a balance of both.

Design a Routine of Self-Care

Self-care is any series of actions taken to improve overall well-being and wellness that will help you achieve your goals. Everyone, not just those who have been diagnosed with mental illness, should design a routine of self-care that includes physical and mental health. For physical health, a basic fitness routine that includes a series of diet and exercise activities and behaviors is essential. For mental health, relaxation and stress management techniques are key.

Focus on Relaxation

Learning how to relax and minimize stress is essential to both physical and mental health. Stress can impact your body in a multitude of ways, from increasing your chance of heart attacks and type 2 diabetes to digestive problems and muscular pains. In Nanaimo, there are various ways to relax and destress. For instance, you could take a walk along the Harbourfront Walkway or hike the trails at Westwood Lake Park. Other options include yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is essential for both physical and mental health. It is recommended that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. However, many people struggle with getting a good night’s sleep. In Nanaimo, there are various ways to create an environment that encourages deep sleep at night. For example, you could invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows or use a noise machine to block out any distracting sounds.

Try Journaling

Journaling is a great tool for both physical and mental health. It can help you plan your physical fitness routine, including what exercises to do and when. By writing down your fitness goals in detail, you will be more likely to follow through with them. You can also create a fitness tracker, where you can record your progress as you go in a satisfyingly visual way.

Journaling is also an effective self-care tool for mental health. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you process them and keep track of your progress. You can also keep a gratitude log, where you commit to writing down one thing every day that you are thankful for.

Focus on Balance

Some people have trouble addressing physical and mental health needs at the same time. However, the best way to approach your health is to focus on balance and understand that fitness is self-care because it makes you healthier. Self-care involves being kind to oneself and taking care of your body and mind. This may mean having a nap or forcing yourself to get up and exercise, depending on what your body needs at the time.

In conclusion, achieving a balance of physical and mental health is essential to overall well-being. By understanding the link between the two and designing a routine of self-care that includes both, you can lead a fulfilling and productive lifestyle. In Nanaimo, there are various ways to achieve physical and mental health, from taking walks along the Harbourfront Walkway to practicing yoga or deep breathing exercises

Choose2be Yoga School and First Yoga Teacher Training Headline Spring 2018

Choose2be Yoga School and First Yoga Teacher Training Headline Spring 2018

200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training

“This is one of the best 200 hours teacher training programs I have seen!  Such high caliber of teachers- so diverse, interesting and important material.”

Lindsay J. Campa, Yoga Therapist


Turn Your Yoga Passion Into a Career

Vancouver Island University Campus Recreation (VIU Campus Rec) and Choose2Be have joined forces to offer you an amazing opportunity to become a yoga leader in your community! Certification leader and inspirational VIU fitness instructor Veronique Rioux will educate and guide you through the 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training certification and help turn your yoga passion into a career!


Yoga Teacher Training Certification Description

Choose2be’s 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training certification is designed to deepen your yoga practice and knowledge. Explore yoga philosophy, anatomy, asana, pranayama, meditation, mantra, and practice teaching in a safe environment with other students. In this program, you will learn to create an asana sequence for students at all levels using props and hands-on assistance. Certification is led by Veronique Rioux, with the participation of guest instructors specialized in specific areas.

Hours, Dates & Weekend Breakdown
Start Date: March 30, 2018
End Date: May 20, 2018

8 weekends, 180 Instructional Hours, 20 Homework Hours

First Weekend (Intensive)
Friday March 30 – Monday April 2, 2018: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Subsequent 7 Weekends: Fridays 5 – 9 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Sample Training Day
8:30 – 9:00 a.m.: Opening, Meditation & Pranayama
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.: Asana Practice
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.: Elements of Teaching
12:00 – 12:30 p.m.:Lunch Break
12:30 – 3:30 p.m.: Anatomy, Philosophy and Lectures
3:30 – 5:00 p.m.: Practice Teaching
5:00 – 5:30 p.m.: Restorative Closing Practice

Dr. Jessica Reed: Anatomy

Saturdays April 7 and 14, 2018 from 12:30 – 5:30 p.m.

Student will learn about the topics of bony and muscular anatomy and how they pertain to yoga asana. This curriculum also addresses injury prevention from the perspective of anatomical variety according to the teachings of Paul Grilley.
About Jessica Reed:
Jessica Reed, has been a Doctor of Chiropractic since 2004. Owner of Reed Family Chiropractor, she has made her home and practiced chiropractic in Nanaimo for over 11 years.  She earned her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training and Prenatal Yoga certificates in 2014 after many years of personal yoga practice. She loves that the pursuit of knowledge within the world of yoga is unlimited, just as in the field of chiropractic. To that end, she has envisioned a space that will serve to enrich the lives of its visitors, whether through yoga or through its many health-and-wellness-related workshops.

Angelina McNamee: Yoga Methodology

Sunday’s April 8, 2018, 12:30 – 5:30 p.m.

About Angelina McNamee:

Angelina has several Bachelor degrees and a Master’s in Education. Her yoga journey started 20 year ago when she travelled to South India to complete a teacher training program in Sivananda Yoga, then on to Argentina where she studied at the Indra Devi Foundation.  Angelina is also certified in Stott Pilates, and enjoys teaching mat classes in addition to Hatha Yoga. Angelina is familiar with many different styles of Yoga, and has participated in numerous workshops while working closely with highly experienced teachers from around the world.  With a strong background in wellness and education, she hopes to inspire others along the Yogic path.

Also have two, 500 hr Yoga Teacher Training; certified in Sivananda Yoga, Vinyasa, Yin, and Restorative Yoga, as well as Pilates Matwork.


Nonviolent Communication workshop with Myriam Verzat

Friday April 13, 6-8pm 
Welcome to a two hours workshop based on a Nonviolent Communication (https://www.nonviolentcommunication.com/), a revolutionary approach now worldly renowned, developed by Marshall Rosenberg to:
– connect to yourself at any time to find what is really important to you.
– express your true self to others without judgments.
– listen deeply to someone else’s truth even when you hear criticism.
– engage in difficult and challenging conversations with a great dose of empathy.
About Myriam:
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) has been a very important in my life since I was a child. It is a process and a way of relating to each other that my parents have invited in our family since I was very little. I can see how much it has helped and still helps to nurture our relationships in my nuclear family of six people.
After reading and experiencing by my-self for many years, I joined a community and studied Nonviolent Communication for a in Montreal. Meanwhile, I started offering workshops with Erik Pena Salazar from Communication Synergie. I moved recently to Nanaimo and I am starting a training to engage in the certification process (The Center for Nonviolent Communication) with The Farthest Shore on Gabriola Island.
I feel so grateful about having NVC in my life that I want to share it with others. I have the deep conviction that the way we relate to ourselves and to each other is at the core of the type of violence we observe and perpetuate in the world. I think we need to make a deep change in the way we relate to ourselves, to each other and to the planet if we want to survive as a species on this planet. And I definitely want to be part of this change! I am combining my NVC work to nature connection and improvisation approaches. To know more about me, please visit: www.myriamverzat.com.

Bring the Stick: myofascial release and postural alignment with Tasha Mae

Friday April 20,  6:30-8:30pm

In this workshop, we will discover the many benefits and uses of bringing a dowel into your practice. The dowel can be used as a tool to assist with postural alignment and myofascial release. We will use the dowel to explore the ancient technique of tapping, as a tool to assist with lengthening and creating space in the body, and even as a way to assist in teaching your students, and yourself, proper alignment when moving through the asanas.

About Tasha

Movement is Tasha Mae’s passion and she considers herself a lifelong student. She is always curious and interested in discovering the most wholesome way to keep our body healthy and well balanced by practicing meditation (just sitting), pranayama and breath, strength training, cardio, and the yoga asanas. Tasha Mae is not only passionate about movement, but also loves to share it with other people. She has currently been teaching yoga and fitness for 3 years. Tasha Mae is an 800hour internationally certified Vijnana Yoga Teacher as well as a Personal Trainer and Fitness Class Instructor. She has also studied and practiced the Tensegrity Repair Series with Gioia Irwin and Flo Dedame.


Laura Jesson Love: Meditation

Sunday April 22, 2018 12:30 – 5:30 p.m.

About Laura Jesson:

A natural born yogi, from philosophy to physical activity, Laura is always striving for balance in her life and empowering the same in others. After five years of personal practice, she took her first training in Moksha Yoga, followed by PreNatal with Janice Clarfield, and Yin with Bernie Clark. One strong source of inspiration woven throughout has been the influence of Michael Stone, a psychotherapist, Yoga and Buddhist teacher, author and activist.

Laura is currently finding more peace through stillness in Meditation, Relaxation and Restorative Yoga. When not on her mat Laura takes all she learns being mom to two beautiful boys and creates more love in life.

E-RYT 500+, moksha 500 hours, prenatal and yin. trauma sensitive training, mindfulness mediation training. BA in Psychology. Post Graduate diploma in Wellness and Lifestyle Management.


Tibetan bowl signing meditation with Benjamin Bollich

Friday April 27, 7:30-8:30pm

Tibetan Singing Bowl’s special harmonic frequencies penetrate your bodies sensory systems and can facilitate deeper states of meditation.  The harmonics of Tibetan Singing Bowls stimulate the release of stress, worry, anxiety, fear and other feelings that have a negative impact on our healthenables us to experience more balance, clarity, and productivity. Tibetan Singing Bowls also createstrong vibrations that facilitate sensory integration processes. This can be especially helpful for individuals with hyper and hyposensitive disorders.  Sound vibration affects each individual differently on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. It is clear that Tibetan Singing Bowls facilitate relaxation, which improves meditation practice and your sense of well-being.


Basha Nemeskeri: Yoga Philosophy

Saturday and Sunday April 28-29 and May 5-6, 2018, 12:30 – 5:30 p.m.

In Basha Nemeskeri own words:

Like many of us, suffering brought me to yoga. It was the vulnerability and honesty of the teacher that showed me that we are all in this together – that we all go through the heartaches, and the joys, and the boredom. After a few years of practicing, I simply couldn’t NOT teach others, because of how much I’d learned and fallen in love with in the practice. I have done teacher trainings in Anusara, Ashtanga and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy and have yet to cease wanting to keep learning more about this never ending field. When I teach, I think of what could help my students feel as good as their bodies were designed to feel…to remember how fantastic we’re all meant to feel if we take care and pay attention. I like to remind the fellas I teach that they are quite possibly the most flexible guys in their entire family lineage, and to take that as a big pat on the back ? I like to encourage and motivate, and show people how remarkable they truly are.

I have a 200 hour through ensure, and a 250 hour through ayurvedic yoga therapy and a 50 hour kundalini. Been teaching for 8 years


Jay SuttonBrown: Kundalini Workshop

Kundalini workshop, Friday May 4, 2018 6 – 8 p.m.

Join Jay Suttonbrown for a potent yoga experience. In this Kundalini Yoga and Meditation workshop, we will practice powerful kriyas to cleanse the nervous system, mantras to connect to clarity, and learn why this form of yoga is so special.  Kundalini is the Yoga of awareness and action. This is an introduction to the incredible depth of practices available to you through the Kundalini Tradition.

 About Jay SuttonBrown:

Jay Suttonbrown, E-RYT 500 has been teach yoga for over a decade. Her passion is cultivating authenticity in our experience by stepping out of habits and into personal empowerment. She shares Kundalini Yoga (the yoga of action), Hatha, Prenatal, Yin and Restorative Practices. She is the Founder of Manipura Yoga School and loves training Yoga Teachers to share their vision with the world. “A human life is made up of choices. Yoga is mindfully connecting to those choices. Connecting to our truth, power, and worthiness. Connecting to our bodies, breath and life force. Connecting to how our habit energy works, and what it feels like when we rise above our habits into our true vibrant state. Yoga is a set of powerful technologies that support our journey to mindful connection, each day, each moment, and each breath. Even “when we don’t feel like it.” We have choices. Sat Nam.”


Conscious Connected breathwork also known as Aletheia breathwork with Taiya

Friday May 11, 6-8pm

“Aletheia Breathwork is an opportunity to engage the incredibly clarifying power of your primary life force… breath. Aletheia is a Greek word meaning “Truth” and it refers to “the state of not being hidden; the state of being evident.” Through your own breath and willingness, you reveal your Self – a revealing that can have profound impact on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being.” Trevor Yelich, Aletheia Breathwork Facilitator Trainer

As you lay down and connect your breath for one hour, Taiya will offer tools to help you stay present, to move energy and emotions. She will share positive affirmations, acupressure, Reiki energy healing and sound healing. She will also guide you to tone with your voice and move your body at times to open up more to your healing experience and not get lots in old thoughts or patterns.

Aletheia Breathwork will:
• Give you more energy
• Help detoxify, restore, balance and oxygenate the cells
• Resolve repressed emotions allowing the release of negativity
• Accelerate spiritual growth through expanded awareness”

Taiya has been practicing Reiki since 1995 and received her Reiki Master Teacher Degree in 1999. She been a professional bodyworker since 2000 practicing Jin Shin Do Acupressure, relaxation massage, Swedish massage, deep pressure massage, energy healing, sound and movement therapy. Taiya completed her chair massage certification in 2007,  Indian head massage certification in October 2013 and Aletheia Breathwork training in 2014.  She mainly works out of Victoria BC but does alot of mobile massage sessions and teaching Reiki workshops around Vancouver Island.

She creates a safe and sacred space for you to relax and surrender to deep healing experiences.

More info on her web page www.windblossommassage.ca


Chakra Awakening Dance Journey

Saturday May 11, 12:30-5:30pm

Chakra Awakening Dance Journey :
Connect to the harmonic chord of movement and music as medicine !
Combine creative movement and the teachings of your seven Chakras.
Gain Balance, health and understanding of your ability to create, feel and heal.
Honor your body as your temple and dance as a prayer.
 In the chakra awakening dance journey, we will start at the root chakra with music that awakens the feet, legs and hips. We will then be guided through some basic dance moves and stretches to activate those body parts and chakra, reviewing the elemental, emotional and physical connection to each body part. Exploring creative movement exercises to invoke more feeling within.  We will journey from the root chakra up to the crown with detailed technique and self empowered imagination.
Taiya has deep gratitude for the healing power of movement, music and the power of the body, mind connection. She has been bellydancing and exploring movement therapy since 1991. Based out of Victoria BC Canada she teaches and  performs internationally. Taiya is also a full time holistic bodyworker.  Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Massage and Aletheia breathwork pratitioner
She also offers Indian Head massage and combines Acupressure and sound therapy into her sessions. Check out Taiya’s Dance Creations on Facebook

Yoga Therapy with Lindsay Campa RMT, C-IAYT (Registered Massage Therapist, Certified Yoga Therapist. Advanced Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga)

Sunday May 13, 12:30-5

In this Yoga Therapy workshop we will offer students an experiential and somatic understanding of yoga therapy and effects on nervous system. Discussion on yoga therapy:  Look at definitions of IAYT (International Association of Yoga Therapists). Guiding Principles of Yoga Therapy. Specific breakdown of Asanas in Yoga Therapy:  Some general, some specific. Partner breakdown- practice with case studies in pairs.

About Lindsay

“Yoga was my first real love.  When I first began practicing, closed my eyes and was able to journey inward, I felt I had come home.  The practice of (meditation and yoga) reminded me in this way of my experience in nature. Yoga continues to ground and nourish me; calm and soothe my nervous system, and has helped me heal from many injuries over the years.    I love that by tuning into the breath we can deepen in our somatic experience and vitality in life; and we all have access to the breath.  I am thrilled about the evolution of yoga as a therapeutic application, and feel passionate about sharing its benefits with others.”

Lindsay became a yoga teacher in 2006, and has offered group and individual yoga instruction since then.  Over the years she has taught various styles (flow, hatha, ashtanga) and worked with a wide population of students (Homeless population, people with cancer, MS, arthritis, anxiety, trauma). Her style became therapeutic in nature while going through the Registered Massage Therapist program in Victoria, and then while completing her 500 hour Advanced Teacher Training  with Ajna.  She went on to become Certified Yoga Therapist.     She has attended numerous vipassana meditation retreats, an array of yoga classes, and has spent time in India studying yoga.  Lindsay teaches from a place of gentleness, curiosity and spaciousness.  She encourages her students to slow down, listen to the body and feel the more subtle sensations. As a teacher, she employs a trauma informed approach and uses humour and inquiry to support the learning process.  She uses Yoga in a Therapeutic context in her private practice; supporting the process of healing from injury and trauma.  In addition to her private RMT/Yoga Therapy practice in Cowichan Bay, she is on Faculty at West Coast College of Massage Therapy in Victoria, at Ajna Yoga in Victoria, and teaches Yoga therapy tools to RMTs.


Nura Madjzoub: Teaching Methodology

The Art of Sequencing and Cueing, Friday May 18, 2018, 5 – 9 p.m.
The Art of Assisting, Saturday May 19, 2018, 8:30 – 5:30 p.m.

About Nura Madjzoub

Nura has been teaching yoga for over a 15 years on multiple continents.  She is an avid traveler, a yogi, a mother and therapeutic massage therapist. Like many others, she is also on a quest to connect to the core; to her truth. She believes that how we practice yoga, and what we come up against on the mat is our very own practice ground for real life.  Yoga keeps her humble, and hungry for more knowledge.  She teaches because she loves to share her own discoveries on her journey through this wonderful and messy life.

Nura has trained and mentored with Sanjeev Bhanot, Founder of Yogalife Foundation, and has completed the 200 hour yoga training at Kripalu Center in Massachusetts.  She is trained, certified and experienced in prenatal yoga and has done further studies in Core Strength Vinyasa, Anusara and Thai yoga massage.  She is also a Licensed and Board Certified Massage Therapist in New York and in the USA with over 1000 hours of training. Nura brings a unique set of skills to her yoga teaching from her background as a therapeutic massage therapist. She enjoys the interplay between yoga and massage work and draws from all her studies in her classes, workshops and trainings. Her yoga teaching is always infused with a strong foundation in anatomy and physiology.  She has been trained, over the past decade and a half, to see the movement and the freedom, as well as the tension and the blocks, in bodies.

2018 Graduate and some Teachers!

Kid Yoga plan class with Weather and Season theme

Kid Yoga plan class with Weather and Season theme

Weather-themed yoga, children’s health, yoga for kids, educational, weather sounds, human mandala​As a kid, I loved to imagine and play outside. As a parent, I found that teaching yoga to my kids was an excellent way to bring the imagination and creativity outside of the house. I did a Rainbow Kids training in Vancouver, where I learned how to create interactive, educational, and fun yoga classes for kids and parents. In my 45-minute-long parent participation classes, I had a circle of yoga mats that overlapped each other, where parent and child shared the same mat. I have six different themed lesson plans, which I’m excited to share with you. The themes are “In the Garden,” “African Safari,” “Going into Space,” “At the Zoo and at the Farm,” “Going to the Beach/Ocean,” and “Weather and Season.” In this post, I will share my “Weather and Season” themed plan.

At the beginning of every class, I talked about my expectations, which included keeping hands to ourselves, using words, saying “Excuse me,” and waiting for our turn before talking. Then, we began the class with the song, “Rub Your Hands” by Karma Kids Yoga, and a name game where everyone around the circle said each other’s names.

For the “Weather and Season” theme


As the days grow longer, and the weather is sunnier and warmer, we begin to feel more expansive and energetic after the long, dark, cold winter. The poses for Spring include Tree Pose, Bird (Warrior 3 Pose), Garden Gate (Gate Pose), Plow Pose, Planting Seeds (Standing Forward Fold), Planting a Garden (Squat Pose), Watering Can (Triangle Pose), Baby Bean Sprout (Boat Pose), Caterpillar (Locust Pose), and Bee (Hero Pose).


The poses for Summer include Butterfly, Picking Apples off a Tree, Flower, and Wheelbarrow.


For Autumn/Fall, the days are getting shorter, the leaves are changing colours, and we all get ready for colder weather. The poses for Autumn/Fall include Crescent Moon Pose, Tree Leaves Change, Birds Fly South for Warmer Weather (Warrior 3 Pose), Farmers Harvest Their Crops before the Frost (Chair Pose, Pretend to Drive a Tractor), Bears Prepare to Sleep in Their Dens (Bear Walk in Downward-Facing Dog), Whales Migrate South to Warmer Water Currents, Foxes Grow Thicker Fur (Kneeling, Look up at the Moon Like a Fox), Hedgehogs Get Ready to Hibernate (Child’s Pose), Monarch Butterflies Fly South to Their Winter Homes, and Squirrels Hide Nuts and Other Food to Eat During the Winter (Creative Movement of Eating Pretend Nuts with Both Hands, Using the Breath and Sense of Smell to Sniff the Air and Locate the Buried Imaginary Food).


For Winter, the season is too cold for some animals, so they go to sleep (hibernate), move to other places (migrate), or change in some way to stay warm. The poses for Winter include Reach-Stretch to Put on Warm Clothing (Long Johns, Snow Pants, Boots, Puffy Jacket, Mittens & Earmuffs), Penguin (Mountain Pose + Waddle), Tree with Snow on “Branches,” Blowing Snow (Cotton Balls), Standing Forward Fold to Dig in Snow, Rock-and-Roll Snowballs, Hot Cocoa by the Fire (Palming), Snowflakes (Standing Star with Wiggling Fingers), The Big Snow Flake (Kids Come in a Circle and Point Their Feet to the Middle of the Circle. Then All Hold Hands and Unfold into a Big Snow Flake. Lift Your Legs. The Big Snow Flake – have the kids come in a circle and point their feet to the middle of the circle. Then all hold hands and unfold into a big snow flake. Lift your legs, move around, and make all kinds of shapes of snow flakes! Snow Angels – Lie on your back and move your arms and legs to make snow angel shapes. Skunks do not hibernate, or sleep, for the entire winter, but they slow down and sleep on the coldest days. Move really slowly into Tiger Balance.

What is your favorite weather? Sunny days, gentle rains, thunderstorms at the end of a hot day? Each kind of weather has its own unique qualities. For example, sunny days can be energizing, while gentle rains can be quiet and cleansing. Thunderstorms can be both frightening and impressive, while lightning can be beautiful.

Make the sound of an approaching rainstorm, let it hit, and eventually let it pass by.

Wind – standing hip circles with strong breath. Let the wind push through the windmill (Fly like a Butterfly). Did you know that there are windmills now that create electricity so you can warm up your house and turn on the light?

Thunder and lightning: Standing with arms up then bend forward with strong breath and thunder sounds (What comes first, the thunder or the lightning?).

Hard Rain – Chair pose with clapping of thighs. Soft rain – Chair pose with clapping of fingers. Even softer rain (mist), just rub hands together.

Next, begin to move around the room! Escape from the rainstorm to get some heat into the body, lift knees high to cut through imaginary tall grass, jump over puddles (yoga mats), and pause under a tree pose for some dry cover.

Let the sun come out: Taking breath in, lift arms up, breathe out, lower arms and surround yourselves with beautiful sun.

What comes when there is both rain and sun? The beautiful Rainbow (Luby).

Moving rainbow: have the children stand two by two in a half circle. Let them join hands face to face to create a bridge/rainbow. All the rainbows should stand close together to create a long tunnel, the rainbow tunnel. Then, from the end of the tunnel, one kid after the other, have the kids come under the rainbow (through the tunnel) and form a rainbow again at the front.

Songs I like to use while doing different poses:

  • How’s the Weather from Matt Richelson, album Dream English Kids Songs
  • Rain Sticks from Tony Depina, album Nature Song
  • The Sun from Rafi, album Baby Beluga
  • Singing in the Rain, All I Do Is Dreaming of You from Mitch Miller, album Sentimental Sing Along with Mitch
  • Over the Rainbow from Israel Kamakawiwo’ole, album Somewhere over the Rainbow
  • You Are My Sunshine from Elizabeth Mitchell, album You Are My Sunshine
  • Yoga Makes Me Happy from Karma Kids Yoga, album Come Play Yoga

Human mandala, sitting in a circle:

  • Reach up with one hand, catch the sun, bring hand to the heart, exhale HA!
  • Side stretch twist
  • Place hand on neighbor’s shoulder: shoulder roll, massage shoulder, shampoo
  • Open chest, fold forward
  • Extend leg forward, forward bend, drive car, scoop forward (moving)
  • Wave feet
  • Crab pose, downward-facing dog, forward bend, roll up, open chest.

Fun Beach-Themed Yoga for Kids: Poses, Games, and Songs to Keep Them Active and Engaged

Fun Beach-Themed Yoga for Kids: Poses, Games, and Songs to Keep Them Active and Engaged

Kid Yoga with Ocean Theme: A Fun and Educational Class for Kids

Yoga beach theme, yoga ocean theme, kids lesson plan yoga, ocean poses yoga, ocean games yogaAre you looking for a fun and educational activity for your kids? Yoga is a great way to help your kids stay active and healthy, while also teaching them valuable life skills. In this article, we’ll share a kid yoga plan class with an ocean theme that’s perfect for children of all ages. This class was designed to be interactive, educational, and most importantly, fun! Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, or a yoga instructor, you can use these lesson plans to teach kids yoga in a creative and engaging way.

Going through Rainbow Kids training in Vancouver and spent a lot of time putting class lessons together. I believes that kids yoga needs to be fun, educational, and interactive. I came up with six different lesson plans, each with a different theme, that I wants to share. The themes are: “In the Garden,” “African Safari,” “Going into Space,” “Going to the Zoo and Farm,” “Going to the Beach/Ocean,” and “Weather and Seasons.” In this article, we’ll focus on the “Going to the Beach/Ocean” theme.

Before starting the class, it’s essential to talk about your expectations. When teaching little kids, it’s crucial to make sure that they understand the rules and expectations. The author recommends keeping hands to themselves, using words, saying “Excuse me,” waiting for their turn to talk, and, most importantly, having fun. The author also suggests setting up the class in a big circle with everyone’s yoga mats overlapping each other’s. This set-up creates a more interactive and community-oriented environment, which is perfect for teaching yoga to kids.


To start the class, I recommends singing “Rub your hand” by Karma Kids Yoga. This song is a great way to get kids excited about the class and to help them get in the mood for yoga. After singing the song, it’s time to do some warm-up exercises. The author recommends doing movements like shoulder rolls, neck stretches (move head like yes and no), arm circles, and spine movements in flexion and extension. You can also add standing twists, standing swings, and side bends. The author suggests warming up to “Octopus’s Garden” by The Beatles.

Poses with Theme

To get the kids ready, you can start by pretending to dress up and pack all the beach gear needed. Everyone can pretend to dress up for a day at the beach, including bathing suits, sunglasses, hats, flip flops, sunscreen, and of course, bringing along buckets and shovels, beach balls and toys, beach towels, blankets, umbrella, water, and snacks. Once everyone is dressed and packed, it’s time to start the yoga poses.

  • Easy Pose: Start by sitting cross-legged, looking out at the ocean.
  • Beach Umbrella – Mountain Pose Variation: Stand tall with your arms reaching up, palms together, and your fingers pointing to the sky. Imagine that your arms are the poles of a beach umbrella.
  • Swimming – Warrior 3 Pose: Warrior 3 is a pose that involves balancing on one leg while extending the other leg back behind you. For this pose, you can pretend to swim with your arms as you balance.
  • Windsurfing – Triangle Pose: Triangle pose is a pose that involves standing with your feet hip-width apart and then reaching one hand towards the ground while raising the other hand towards the sky. For this pose, you can make a whooshing sound like the wind through your sails.
  • Beach Chair – Chair Pose: This pose involves standing with your feet together and then bending your knees.
  • Jellyfish – Standing Forward Bend (Sway your arms like a jellyfish)
  • Sandcastle – Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Pretend you are a castle)
  • Harbor Seal – Cobra Pose (Flap your arms like a seal. Arf, Arf!)
  • Shark – Shark Pose (Lay flat on your tummy, with arms clasped behind your back) Sea Turtle – Turtle Pose (Come onto your hands and knees, bring your arms and legs in, and tuck your head under your arms)
  • Fish – Bow Pose Variation (Lie on your tummy, bend your knees and reach back to hold onto your ankles, lift your chest and legs off the ground)
  • Sea Gull – Pigeon Pose (Make the sound of sea gulls squawking)
  • Urchin – Child’s Pose Clam – Seated Forward Bend (Arms forward as if you are closing up like a clam)
  • Fishing Boat – Boat Pose (Rock on your buttocks like a boat rocking in the water)
  • Anemone – Flower Pose (Balancing on your buttocks, sway gently like an anemone in the ocean waves)
  • Crab – Table Top Pose (Waddle like a crab)
  • Sea Otter – Happy Baby Pose Dig a Hole (Standing Forward Bend to Extended Mountain with imaginary shovel)
  • Starfish Stretches (Arms, legs, and head are starfish arms. Sit down, open legs in a V. Stretch your arms overhead to one side, then the other side, stretch forward, and then stretch backwards until you are lying on your back.)
  • Kelp Forest (Lying back, arms and legs in the air, wave them with the current.)

Shell Meditation (Pass around shells and listen to the sound of the ocean)


  • Jump the waves (Imagine you are jumping over waves staying on your yoga mat or have two kids hold the ends of a long piece of blue material for kids to jump over)
  • Beach ball game (Pass the ball around the circle with your arms, then lying down with your feet.)
  • Write beach stories from starter sentences like “I like the beach because…”
  • Beach Boys’ “Surfin’ U.S.A.” will play, as we surf from warrior 2, to extended side angle, to peaceful warrior. We may jump off our boards if we see a shark (aka locust pose) or a dolphin.
  • Row partner boats and bloom a group flower, while enjoying “Lean on Me,” by Bill Withers.
  • Whale breath with L shape straw and marble
  • Under the Sea activity, the kids put on their wet suits and went scuba diving. They got their strength and swam or crab walked through the ocean finding treasures and gold. As they moved consciously through the room they found their treasures and then once they were finished, we met back in our circle. Within the circle, we shared what we found on our scuba adventure.


  • Down by the bay from Rafi, album Baby Beluga
  • Octopus’s Garden from The Beatles, album Abbey Road
  • A Yogi went to Sea from Haris Lender, album Namaste’n Play
  • Wipe out from The Surfaris, album Wipe out
  • Surfin USA from Dean, album 100 Years of Surfing
  • The sea from Morcheeba, album Big Calm